Friday, January 04, 2008

Dave Douglas Do

Friday, 4 January

In case you've been under a rock lately, Dave Douglas has officially stepped down as president (and equipment manager and race permitter and rider upgrader and membership coordinator and general dogsbody) of the Washington State Bicycle Association. To pay tribute to his many (endless) accomplishments on behalf of bike racing in the Evergreen State, the WSBA has organized a (no-host) opportunity to fete/toast/honor/roast Dave tomorrow:

When: Saturday, January 5, 7:30 p.m.
Where: Endolyne Joe's, no host bar (West Seattle; over 21, please)

You know that if you've ever raced your bike in Washington, you ought to come and say thanks. Kickoff time for the Seahawks' playoff game was scheduled early in the afternoon just so you can enjoy both events in the same day.

In case you have a really good excuse for not showing up tomorrow night (like, you're still under a rock and you don't read this until Groundhog Day), Dave will still be putting on races and you can thank him in person there (too) for his years of devoted, inspired leadership and his commitment to bike racing.

If you want the full scoop, it's been posted for ages on the WSBA website. See you Saturday night!

1 comment:

Brian said...

Hope you don't mind, I took your post and blasted it to the Jet City membership.

Thanks for reminding me :-)